2024 Paris Olympics – Week 4 Briefing

Sponsors' Highs and Lows

As the Paris Olympics 2024 continue to captivate global audiences, sponsors are navigating a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges. Week 4 of the Games has seen sponsors showcasing technological innovations and sustainability efforts, while also facing scrutiny over environmental impact and commercialisation. Here’s a closer look at some key positive themes and reputational risks associated with the Games’ sponsors. 

Positive Developments

  • Samsung’s “Victory Selfies” Drive Foldable Phone Sales – Samsung’s strategic partnership with the Olympics, providing athletes with Galaxy Z Flip6 phones for “victory selfies” on the podium, has generated significant positive media coverage and a notable sales boost for the company’s foldable phones. This initiative bridges the gap between athletes and spectators, making the event more accessible and engaging for everyone involved.
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence) Takes Centre Stage at the Olympics – Companies like Intel and Alibaba are leveraging AI to enhance various aspects of the Games, from broadcasting and talent identification to athlete training and venue management. This positive coverage highlights these companies’ technological leadership and their commitment to innovation in the rapidly evolving field of AI. 
  • Airbnb Showcases Sustainable Tourism in Tahiti – Airbnb’s role in providing accommodation for visitors to the Olympic surfing events in Tahiti is being highlighted as a positive example of the company’s support for local communities and sustainable tourism. This initiative aligns with the company’s values of promoting local experiences and responsible travel. 
  • Omega’s Precision Timing Ensures Fair Play – Omega’s long-standing role as the official timekeeper of the Olympics continues to generate positive media coverage, highlighting the company’s commitment to precision, accuracy, and its crucial role in ensuring fair play in the Games. The company’s advanced timekeeping technology, including the new Scan’O’Vision Ultimate camera, has been praised for its ability to capture split-second finishes with unprecedented accuracy. 

Reputational Risks

  • Coca-Cola’s Plastic Problem Persists at “Green” Olympics – Despite the Paris Olympics’ commitment to sustainability, Coca-Cola’s reliance on plastic bottles is under fire. Environmental groups and media outlets have criticised the company for not adapting to greener practices, with numerous articles and statements highlighting its failure to reduce plastic usage. This negative attention jeopardises Coca-Cola’s reputation, especially among environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Samsung’s “Victory Selfie” Promotion Criticised as Intrusive and Commercialised – While the initial coverage of Samsung’s “victory selfie” campaign was largely positive, some articles are starting to question the appropriateness of promoting commercial products on the Olympic podium, arguing that it detracts from the athletes’ moment of glory and feels intrusive. This emerging narrative could pose a reputational risk for Samsung if it gains traction, potentially harming the positive aspects of their Olympic partnership. 
  • Visa’s Exclusivity at Olympic Venues Frustrates Visitors – Articles highlight the inconvenience and frustration caused by Visa’s exclusive payment partnership with the Olympics, preventing visitors from using other cards. This exclusivity has led to complaints from attendees and negative media coverage, potentially harming Visa’s reputation and overshadowing its involvement in the Games. 
  • Airbnb Accused of Contributing to Housing Shortages and Price Hikes in Paris – Meanwhile in Paris, the situation isn’t so rosy for Airbnb. Critics say that Airbnb worsened the housing shortage and drives up rents, making it hard for Parisians to find affordable places to live during the Games. This criticism isn’t new; it’s part of a broader concern about Airbnb’s impact on housing markets in popular tourist spots worldwide. These issues could reflect negatively on Airbnb’s reputation as a socially responsible company. 


While innovative technologies and sustainability initiatives are generating positive coverage, concerns about environmental impact, commercialisation, and local community effects are posing significant reputational risks. How these companies address these challenges in the coming weeks will be crucial in shaping their overall reputation and the legacy of their Olympic partnerships.

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