2024 Paris Olympics – Week 5 Briefing

How Sponsorships Shaped the Paris 2024 Olympics: A Final Analysis

With the Paris 2024 Olympics now concluded, the final week of coverage offers a comprehensive look at how sponsors leveraged this global stage to push the boundaries of technology, sustainability, and consumer engagement. Over the past weeks, we have seen sponsors navigate a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges, each contributing to the Games in unique ways.

Technological Innovation and Leadership

Throughout the Olympics, Samsung and Omega have stood out for their contributions to technological innovation. In Week 5, Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip 6 Olympic Edition continued to play a central role, enabling athletes to capture “victory selfies” that resonated with fans worldwide. This initiative not only enhanced the spectator experience but also reinforced Samsung’s position as a leader in mobile technology. Omega’s advanced timekeeping technology, ensuring precision and fairness in competitions, further solidified its reputation for accuracy and innovation.

Sustainability: Successes and Shortcomings

Sustainability has been a recurring theme, with mixed outcomes for the sponsors involved. Toyota’s introduction of hydrogen-powered vehicles was a significant stride toward greener technologies. However, it faced scrutiny over the practicality and environmental impact of these solutions, reflecting the ongoing debate about the future of sustainable mobility. Coca-Cola continued to struggle with its environmental image, facing significant criticism over its use of plastic bottles during the Games. Despite efforts to promote sustainability, these challenges suggest that aligning corporate practices with evolving environmental expectations remains a complex endeavour.

Consumer Experience and Challenges

Visa and Airbnb, despite their prominent roles, encountered substantial challenges in Week 5. Visa’s exclusivity as the sole payment provider at Olympic venues led to widespread frustration among visitors, raising concerns about consumer choice and convenience. Meanwhile, Airbnb’s impact on local housing markets in Paris sparked debate, with criticisms focusing on rising rental prices and the availability of affordable accommodation for residents. These issues highlight the tension between delivering a premium consumer experience and addressing broader societal concerns.


The Paris 2024 Olympics have offered a fascinating glimpse into the dynamics of global sponsorship. From technological advancements to sustainability efforts, sponsors have played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of these Games. As the Olympics conclude, the legacies of these sponsorships will be defined by both their successes and the lessons learned from the challenges they faced. The insights gained from this series will undoubtedly influence how brands approach future events, balancing innovation with responsibility in a rapidly changing world.

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