Microsoft and CrowdStrike’s IT Outage 

On July 19th, 2024, cyber-security firm, CrowdStrike, pushed out a faulty software update that inadvertently crashed Microsoft Windows operating systems around the world. The outage had far-reaching consequences impacting almost every industry, grounding flights, disrupting hospitals, and generated widespread media uproar. 

The outage generated substantial media coverage, with over 14,517 articles and 12,200 X (formerly Twitter) posts discussing the event. Public sentiment varied, with Microsoft seen as proactive in managing the crisis, while CrowdStrike faced criticism for the delay in addressing the issue. 

Key Insights:

  • Communication and Crisis Management: The contrasting responses from Microsoft and CrowdStrike underscored the importance of timely and transparent communication during crises.
  • High Visibility Requires Preparedness: With 58% of the coverage coming from Tier 1 media outlets, it’s clear that significant incidents attract top-tier media attention. PR teams must be prepared for extensive scrutiny and have crisis communication plans ready to address high-visibility situations promptly.
  • Strategic Messaging is Crucial: The global interest highlights the importance of consistent and strategic messaging across different regions. Ensure that your key messages are clear, concise, and tailored to various audiences to maintain control over the narrative. 

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