Usually, when agencies think about media monitoring and measurement, they consider it in terms of how they can improve results and reporting for their clients. ...
The proliferation of social media platforms and the fracturing of the traditional media landscape make it necessary for PR and communications professionals to monitor a ...
Social media has dramatically changed the way we communicate. Opinions, reactions, and commentary now have the capacity to rocket around the world almost instantly. The ...
There are a lot of common misconceptions about media monitoring metrics, from the “more is better” thinking that surrounds volume metrics, to an over-reliance on ...
Quantitative metrics tend to get the attention whenever data is the topic of discussion—after all when people talk about measurement, they tend to mean numbers ...
November marks AMEC’s annual Measurement Month and presents agencies with an opportunity to reevaluate and reinvigorate their reporting and evaluation activities – both for themselves ...
The business development process can be frustrating for many agency leaders. Most didn’t get into the business to have a focus on selling, but rather ...