Relatórios por Indústria

Ramadan 2022 Battle of the Shows Report

Demonstrating the Power of an Integrated Insight Approach

The gap between what the traditional media says in the news, what the public says on social media, and what they think in private has been demonstrated by CARMA’s Battle of the Shows Report. We monitored and analysed coverage from news website and social media as well as asking people about their viewing habits during the Holy Month of Ramadan through an online survey in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt to uncover a diverse and interesting picture across those markets.  

The process started by identifying which shows were covered the most by social and traditional media, followed by curating a sample of those shows’ coverage to measure sentiment and discussion drivers. In parallel, CARMA conducted an online survey to identify viewership trends of these shows in three countries.

This CARMA report:

  • Analyses social and traditional media coverage together with market research
  • Identifies the top five shows in Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia
  • Compares gender viewers per country
  • Highlights traditional and social media sentiment for each show
  • Demonstrates the need for an integrated insight approach to truly understand what customers and communities are thinking, saying and doing

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