Relatórios por Indústria

Stories that matter: Captain Tom Moore

Do you know what makes a story newsworthy? How about what it takes to make it go viral?

Captain Tom Moore’s story has become one of the greatest demonstrations of the effectiveness of authentic purpose, PR and communications ever achieved. How did Captain Tom’s story achieve the success that it did? What factors contributed to the story going viral? And what PR lessons can we derive from this incredible feat?

With input and analysis from senior international communications experts and using CARMA’s extensive global media monitoring and evaluation capabilities, we set out to understand how this incredible fundraising feat occurred and the critical part the media and PR played in making the story go viral. This report:

  • Sets out the series of events leading up to Captain Tom’s 100th birthday and record-breaking achievements
  • Analyses the story through the lens of the media coverage, social media interactions, online activity, and donations to understand the unique role PR played
  • Uncovers six actionable key insights for all PR and comms professionals to use when telling their own compelling stories

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