This year’s AMEC Summit was a two-day professional development program that was held virtually. It pulled together an exciting mix of measurement users and creators from all around the world to define best practice and developments within our sector.
We’ve handpicked some of the highlights from this year’s AMEC Global Summit as we didn’t want you to miss out.
Our post-event report, case study, and measurement e-book should give you a flavor of the trends and topics discussed at this year’s Summit.
To understand how you can develop a meaningful monitoring and measurement program that demonstrates the value of PR, head over to The Measurement Standard Blog, home to hints, tips’ and best-practice on how to develop PR monitoring and measurement fit for your organization.
Your go-to summary of the three Ps: Planning, Purpose, and Proof. And, for extra measure, it also includes useful, free-to-access links to AMEC resources.
A case study from SAS Technologies in which CARMA client Kristy Zach, Marketing Sciences and Technology Analyst, showed how, during the pandemic, vital insights helped adapt strategy quickly and how those data-driven decisions were successful outstripped the competition.
This e-book is a guide for senior executives to understand not just why monitoring and measurement is important, but how to go about making sure you have a program that is working for your organization.