Use Case

Competitor Benchmarking and Industry Insights

Create opportunity using industry and competitor intelligence

Outmanoeuvre competitors by taking better, data-led decisions fuelled by our industry and competitor benchmarking analysis. By keeping a close eye on industry trends and topics, and competitor movements our clients compare their own PR and communications performance, adapting where necessary, while identifying opportunities early on.

Our competitor benchmarking service is fully flexible so you can:

Our industry reports include insights tailored to your specification, track some or all:

What are the benefits of competitor benchmarking?

In most markets there are leaders, contenders, fast followers, and disrupters. Competitor benchmarking helps you understand how your organisation compares with some or all of these. By tracking the competition’s coverage, you can:

Safety Pillars

How we create your multi-market measurement programme

Bringing industry best practices together with years of media measurement experience, we work with you to agree on a framework that includes the factors critical to organisational success. It’s worth noting here that targeted and reliable media monitoring is the foundation for any measurement programme.

A good measurement framework will usually incorporate details about:

Why are industry insights useful?

Industry insight reports give deeper, richer data on the trends and topics shaping your industry. Written by experts, we give you the context surrounding the issues that matter, making them a great way of driving strategic discussions in the boardroom because they:

Industry Insights
Key Trends

What does industry insight help you understand?

Whether you’re for profit or not, private, or public sector, or selling a product or a service, no decision made in isolation is ever a good one. Multiple factors guide your strategy so understanding your industry landscape helps you:

For more information about the power of industry insights and competitor benchmarking check out these resources

Global Vaccine Report

Using data to tell the story you want to tell

Speak with one of our experienced consultants about your media monitoring, measurement and analysis today.