
CARMA Asia News Briefings

As your Media Intelligence Partner, we provide tools and insights to navigate the media landscape effectively

Stay Informed About Industry Trends with CARMA Asia's Monthly News Briefings

Using our methodology, we sift through all the relevant news for the sectors and deliver the essential updates to your inbox. Join us to gain new perspectives from our analysts so that you can stay ahead of your competitors. 

Your Source for Data-Driven Analysis


What Matters in PR? A Conversation With Nik Pearson from Honda

In our conversation, Nik shares how working in Japanese companies has influenced his working style, the skills that he deems valuable to all communications practitioners.


Managing your Reputation during a Social Media Crisis

CARMA participated in panels on crisis management, in Singapore and Malaysia. Joined by WWF, Qi Group, Sime Darby Plantation, Petronas, and Media.Monks, the viewpoints provided by the panelists allowed us to examine various aspects of crisis management.

The Measurement Standard

How Automotive Companies can turbo-charge their Media Monitoring

Sector-based monitoring is a good idea for any company looking to build their brand, but it can sometimes be hard to determine where to start.


Japan Mobility Show 2023:
Comprehensive Media Overview

Explore our article as we navigate the insights by leading auto manufacturers at the Japan Mobility Show 2023 delving into the most mentioned brands and their leading narratives.